Leader's Message

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Chairman's Message

JIMS has been working for the attainment of a mission i.e. to develop highly skilled and professional human resource for industry and business. We have created a niche in 20 years in the field of Management and Information Technology. Our pedagogies are unique and accepted by the industry.

We had started JIMS, keeping some of the leading institutions as our benchmarks but today we take this pride to be a benchmark for other institutions to follow. We have evolved and developed extensive modern teaching methodologies that transforms ideological thinking to practical thinking that lead to ideas that are out of the box and triggers creativity. Our students explore ample opportunities of learning with us which prepares them to face the industry challenges and meet corporate expectations.

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We understand that management education is ever-changing and ever-evolving. On these lines we focus and frequently interact with the industry to know our employer expectations. This has enabled repeated arrival of companies for campus recruitments year after year. The feedback received from the industry is regularly incorporated to update and upgrade our academic deliverables which has made our students highly competent. Moreover, our rich alumni base has also proved our 20 years of fruitful interactive existence. Our Alumni are present in all parts of the world and have earned reputation for them and as well as for the institute.

Our determination, conviction and perseverance have helped us to keep our roots intact. On the completion of our 20th year of academic excellence we renew our commitment to uplift the standards of education and we welcome all the students to join JIMS with high spirits, right focus and vision to excel.

- Manish Gupta, Chairman

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Director's Message

According to the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, “the only constant in life is change.”

If we see how and at what pace the world has changed in the last three decades, we will agree with the statement. If we think about technological advancements and technology adoption, there has been a complete metamorphosis and generations new or old, are striving to keep pace with this shift.

There has been a sea change in the social setup as well as work places and work culture. More and more youngsters are taking the centerstage and showcasing their brilliant ideas changing into realities! The CXO positions, that were once a fiefdom of executives in their 50s or 60s are being taken up by those in their 20s or even teens.

In the present times, we hear of more and more startups turning into unicorns. Most importantly, the big corporates and potential startups are feeling the need for well-groomed professionals who have the capability and skills to work across diverse cultures like never before. This has necessitated a change in approach to imparting professional education. Talking of the B-Schools, the proactive ones are constantly monitoring the dynamics and incorporating the required changes in their curriculum and also experimenting with different pedagogies.

Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS), Jaipur is one such institution that believes in remaining update with the industry requirements and accordingly work towards developing the right set of skills in the students during their two-year full-time management program. The focus is not just on the academics but on holistic development of the students i.e., their personality, fitness, creativity, thinking etc.

The teachers and mentors are from diverse backgrounds with substantial experience from industry as well as academia. There is considerable emphasis on experiential learning which starts from the students taking up responsibilities of different committees that are organized in a hierarchical fashion as in corporates. The mentors ensure that students get an exposure to different types of works.

At JIMS, there is considerable focus on live projects, industrial visits and corporate guest lectures. This way students get ample opportunities to get a practical exposure related to their conceptual learnings. Further, students have to undergo two internships that helps them understand the nuances of management and expectations of the employers.

Most importantly, the students of JIMS are mentored in a way that they are ethical and sensitive towards the society and environment and always work towards making the world a better place.

Welcome to this dynamic world of learning, opportunities, growth and happiness!

- Dr. Priyanka Goel, Director


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